Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Role of Motivation in Project Management Dissertation

The Role of Motivation in Project Management - Dissertation Example Engineering and construction is one of the primary factors of human evolution and therefore, the evolution of the society through construction depends on success of project management. Consequently, project management depends on the ability of the project managers to generate, nurture, and maintain high levels of motivation in all levels of project management. Although motivation on the base level where practical work happens is usually taken as the most fruitful target for motivation, other levels of project management including the highest project managerial levels needs to be equally motivated. The proposed study is overwhelmingly important to the author and the primary focus will be on the role of motivation in success of project management in the construction industry. Much of the insight on role of motivation in project management can be found on authentic books and authoritative internet sources. Different theorists and researchers have exhaustively explored theories of motivation in different aspects. Various definitions of motivation theories will be explored in the light of motivation and its influence on success of project management. However, only motivational aspects relating to motivation in construction industry will be discussed. ... Objectives 1. To make a profound research on literature discussing the field of motivation and correlate the information that will be obtained to success in project management in the construction industry. Key areas of consideration to achieve the above objective will include a) Theories of motivation b) Motivation factors c) Motivation as it applies to project teams d) Project management and teams 2. To ascertain the role of motivation in project management by looking at practical case studies. Key areas to be considered are a) How the project was carried out b) Motivation issues within the case study c) How the motivation issue was addressed d) Outcome of the motivation in relation to success or failure of the project Hypotheses 1. Motivation has a direct effect on the success of project management initiatives in the construction industry 2. Construction companies that adopt proficient motivation strategies record increased success in their project objectives Purpose of Study Effic ient management of construction projects is increasingly becoming more important as competition in the construction industry increases. The modern world is presenting more challenges for construction industry thereby increasing performance pressure on construction project managers. This increases the need for project managers to increase the output of project teams by any possible means. Since motivation is one of the greatest tools of meeting the objectives of project teams, a clear understanding of the relationship between the two concepts becomes overwhelmingly important. It is therefore, the purpose of this study to make profound investigation into the relationship between motivation and success of project teams with the purposes of shedding

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