Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Quantitative and Qualitaitve Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Quantitative and Qualitaitve Analysis - Essay Example hieved through the study and analysis of the structure of the dataset, trends and hypothesis testing in regard to the average or mean of different countries. The paper is going to apply both descriptive and inferential statistics in order to achieve its primary objective which is comparison of CCI between various countries and regions in Europe. The data on Consumer Confidence Indicator (CCI) was collected using survey questionnaires. These questionnaires are made up of combination of questions regarding any possible indicators consumption. Twelve questions were included in the questionnaire but one of the questions was excluded since there was no coordination across the selected nations. Questionnaires were distributed randomly to respondents in the selected regions. A household was allowed to fill only one questionnaire since the intentions of a household whether to save or spend is a potential variable that reflects its budget limit. Thus, this forms a household consumption indicator that is computed recorded and used in computations of the national or regional consumer index (Merkle, Langer & Sussman, 2004). The dataset has six distinct variables. Five of the variables are the consumer confidence indicators of different European nations and regions whereas one variable is coded 0 and 1 for the purposes of comparison of CCI between two variables; Cyprus and Greece. This variable is based on a group of European nations that take part in global economics. It is abbreviated as EU.CONS in the dataset. Just like other variables, this variable has 131 observations, measured and recorded on a ratio scale. This variable is based on a European monetary union comprising of 19 nations that are using euro (â‚ ¬) as a common currency. It is abbreviated as EA.CONS in the dataset and has a total of 131 observations measured and recorded on a ratio scale. CY.EL.compare is the sixth variable that compares CCI of Cyprus and Greece. It is assigned values 1 if CCI of Cyprus is

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