Thursday, December 19, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods - Accounting System - 972 Words

Kudler Fine Foods - Accounting System Eric Raymond BSA/310 September 3, 2012 Dr. Marcia Reid Kudler Fine Foods - Accounting System The purpose of this paper is to describe the value of a new accounting system for Kudler Fine Foods. The author will cover the key features, core technology, benefits, and cost of the proposed system. In businesses today, it is imperative that the accounting system be tied into every aspect of a business and integrated within all of the information systems in use. Therefore, before any system is updated or changed, the accounting system must be considered and analyzed for compatibility and integration. Kudler Fine Foods hired a consulting firm to â€Å"assist in the selection and installation of a†¦show more content†¦If the transaction is small, the store manager can pay for it out of an â€Å"impress† fund that each store has. The store manager would then fax the information to F amp; A to be manually entered into the system. In my opinion, Kudler Fine Foods could benefit from a holistic Finance and Accounting system that will allow for better compatibility with the company’s other systems. The current system has a module for each major function and each module has to maintain compatibility with the other modules. If any upgrades or changes were to be made on any of the other systems in the company, all of the separate modules of the Finance and Accounting system would need to be compatible. This means that there is a greater expense in upgrading or changing any other system in the company because all systems must be connected to the F amp; A system. A holistic system that can provide all of the necessary functions needed by the company all in one program and streamline the process and minimize the costs of upgrading systems anywhere in the company. In the long run, it would be less costly to first upgrade the Finance and Accounting system before any other systems are upgraded. Then the other systems can be tailored around the Finance and Accounting system to ensure compatibility and to unify the company’s business systems. The alternativeShow MoreRelatedKudler Fine Foods982 Words   |  4 PagesKudler Fine Foods Kudler Fine Foods is a chain of specialty food stores that provide the finest food and wines to the general public. There are three locations of Kudler Fine Foods: 1. La Jolla 2. Del Mar 3. Encinitas Kudler’s Key Business and Accounting Information Needs General Ledger * Financial reporting, multiple year reporting * Budgets and Budget Reporting detailed to the department store level * Chart of Accounts * Head Count Accounts Payable * CheckRead MoreComputer Information System Brief1310 Words   |  6 PagesKudler Fine Foods is a specialty grocery store located in the San Diego area. The first location was opened by Kathy Kudler in June 1998. Currently there are three locations in La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas. 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