Sunday, November 3, 2019

Death of a Salesman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Death of a Salesman - Essay Example To put it in short, DEATH OF A SALESMAN was the Great Grand Father of all cinematic technologies. This structural strength of the theatrical art in DEATH OF A SALESMAN stands behind as the everlasting appeal of the play. And above all, it is Miller’s affluence in portraying the culture and society of the day. Any art that reflects the society of the day has the capability to rise to the status of an epic. As such DEATH OF A SALESMAN enters into that domain, gluing theatrical drama and cinema with efficacious contents. This sort of strength transcending ages can be accounted for the perennial appeal for DEATH OF A SALESMAN. PORTRAYAL OF AMERICA: Miller has elegantly portrayed the patriarchal construct of American society. The never dying confusion of what it meant to be an American is the undertone of the play. The play is highly virulent in roping writers, critics and social thinkers of future generations to expose the hidden lies and underlying illusions fostered in a society built upon public myths and nationalistic pride. (Centola, 2007: p.37) CHARACHTERISATION: Characterization of the protagonist in the play has well been substantiated with the creation of his son Biff’s character. Parental imposition of unattained goals into kids’ psyche is well knit throughout the play.

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