Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Reason Content Doesnt Get Results With Garrett Moon - CoSchedule

The Reason Content Doesnt Get Results With Garrett Moon Have you spent a ton of time on a piece of content, only for it to get no traction or traffic? Does it end up in the graveyard of the Internet? What about a piece of content that drives traffic, but not to conversions? These are huge problems for content marketers. Today, we’re talking to Garrett Moon, ’s co-founder and CEO. He will share content solutions and information from his new book, 10X Marketing Formula. Some of the highlights of the show include: Content marketing is not living up to the hype that it promised and not generating the results that were expected. Who’s who in content marketing have provided positive testimonials for Garrett’s book. One core reason why marketers are not getting results with their content is that it is not good or unique enough to stand out. Need to Create Competition-Free Content: As a marketer that is creating content, your content is in competition with other content. Find ways to differentiate yourself. What are your top 5 competitors doing for content marketing? If it looks like what you are doing, then do something different. When performed an assessment of its competitors, it noticed a similarity in length of posts, consistent use of imagery, and low usage of resources in posts. Find opportunities that move you away from the competition. Garrett shared a case study of Groove HQ. It had a regular content marketing blog that focused on useful things for professionals. There was moderate success, but it was not great. The company needed to do something different with it. So, it launched a brand new blog called, Groove’s Journey to 100K in Monthly Recurring Revenue. The company shared what worked and didn’t, and the blog experienced overnight success. You need to have an appetite for risk to really stand out, but risk is not the problem. It is failure. Marketing has become about the methods we use. However, if you’re constantly building your marketing on top of methods, you’re just copycating what everyone else is doing. Take a risk and try something new. Stick with the plan, even if it doesn’t work. Content Core: What does your audience want to read about? What interests them enough to click on a link? Clicks don’t necessarily equal value and results. Don’t fall into that trap! Find an overlap between the topics you need to cover for your audience of existing and potential customers and the content you need to produce as a company. It’s about what your audience cares about and what value as a business you provide. What is the customer’s problem that made them hire to solve? How do you turn solving their problem into content? Marketing Projects: Allows customers to manage multi-media marketing campaigns. helps customers solve complex problems by offering free, simple tools. If you help your audience be successful without you, they’ll be dying to be successful with you! The best way to get results with content is to talk to your customers. Powered by PodcastMotor Actionable Content Marketing powered by By AMP078: The Real Reason Your Content Doesn’t Get Results With Garrett Moon From 00:00/00:00 1x 100 > Download file Subscribe on iTunes Leave Review Share Links: 10X Marketing Formula Jay Baer Joe Pulizzi Blue Ocean Strategy Groove HQAMP on iTunes leave a review and send screenshot to If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Garrett: â€Å"Content marketing is just not always living up to the hype that was promised. It’s not always giving them the results that they feel they deserved.† â€Å"As a marketer and a content marketer that is creating content, we have to actually realize is that our content is now in competition with other content.† â€Å"Risk is all about failure, and I think you have to learn to sort of embrace failure and use it as a learning exercise and a way to improve what you are doing.†

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