Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Essay --

Anna Sampson Mr. Sharbatz Sophomore English B 3 March 2014 Friendship What is true friendship? â€Å"It is putting someone else first. It is being strictly honest, loyal, and chaste in every action. Perhaps it is the word commitment that unlocks the real meaning of friendship.† (Dalton). That is the essence of a true friend, someone that is always there for you. Though friendship is not easy, it can fall apart a lot easier. Good friendships can be affected from betrayal, distance, and differences in class. Betrayal some may say is â€Å"the most devastating loss a person can experience† (Frank). Especially when it comes from someone who is special like a friend and someone who trust is embedded within.The novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini has numerous examples of friendship issues within it. In The Kite Runner Baba and Ali are friends, but once Baba betrays Ali by sleeping with his wife their friendship suffers greatly and never quite recovers (Hosseini 222). Betrayal is something that cannot easily be recovered from, something that changes two people’s relationship forever. Ano...

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